Sunday, November 23, 2008

I have no time for exercise???

Hi bootcampers,
I used to think it was true.
I didn't think I would ever have time to exercise with such a busy schedule.
Boy was I uneducated!
I didn't know that a four minute workout could continue to provide an 'afterburn' long after my exercise session was over. And if I didn't know, how would other people know who don't have exercise and fitness as a profession!
The truth is I got sucked in rather than looking at the science. The media, the magazines, and even other 'fitness professionals' promote long bouts of exercise as being the most effective means of burning body fat.
In fact, just last week I had a client come to me to ask me the very same question as they heard from an exercise physiologist that long cardio sessions are the way to go to burn body fat.
You know what I told my client?
The exercise physiologist is right.
Now, before you delete this journal for me contradicting everything I have ever said, let me explain:
We are taught in school to look at the exercise session and the exercise session only. We are taught to look at the effects on the body within the exercise session only. We are NOT taught to look at the effects of the exercise session on the body AFTER exercise.
But science is starting to catch up to those of us who have been using these principles for years.
A long cardio session WILL burn MORE fat than a short interval training session DURING the workout. AFTER the workout is finished the individual performing long cardio sessions will have their core body temperature and heart rate return to normal about 30 minutes after a workout.
When performing interval training this is not the case. Due to the drastic changes in intensity during the workout, some studies show your heart rate to be elevated and your body attempting to return to a resting state for up to 36 hours post exercise session!
Yup, you read that right. You can be burning an elevated amount of calories from interval training 36 hours after a workout!
As a result you will burn 9 times more calories performing interval training than with a steady state cardio session.
Start looking outside the workout session to the recovery portion of your workout and the rest of your day. Your body and the amount of time it takes to recover from a workout will define the amount of results you achieve.
Getting back to my main topic of not having enough time to workout effectively, its a bunch of crap. Even if you have five or ten minutes here and there during the day, you can stimulate your body to cause 'turbulence' and elevate your heart rate and metabolism.

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