Monday, November 17, 2008

Exercise can kill you!

Well not exactly.

But it can inflict a whole lot of damage if your nutrition isn't supporting your exercise habits.
Exercise causes an increase of free radical damage to your body. You have probably heard of free radicals before in relation of terms such as pollution and cancer. Free radicals are basically items that damage your body's cells.
Now the damage is slight and the benefits of exercise drastically outweigh the consequences, but even the slight damages from exercise can add up over time.
Your best defense? Antioxidants.
Antioxidants are found in many healthy foods such as: fruits, vegetables, nuts, green tea, plain coffee, and dark chocolate.
If you aren't creating 'support' through nutrition for your body, you could, in essence be creating more harm than good with your exercise program.
There is no middle road here. Either eat to support your exercise habits, or spin your wheels regarding health. Which path do you choose?
By the way don't think that starting the morning off with a large coffee with chocolate is the answer. I'm talking black coffee in small amounts and the dark bitter chocolate in its raw form (for some reason I knew what you were thinking:).

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