Monday, July 12, 2010


DID YOU KNOW.....................???

01 A serving of approximately eight strawberries has a higher Vitamin C content than a
medium-sized orange.

02 A Rutabaga is a root vegetable that is thought to be a cross between a turnip and the
cabbage plant.

03 Often used in baking and for pickling foods, allspice produces a flavour that is a
combinationof three different spices; cinnemon,nutmeg and cloves.

04 A good source of B Vitamins and iron, Venison, also known as deer meat, is very high in
protein, while also being low in calories and saturated fats.

05 Sunflower seeds are high in omega-6 Linoleic Acid

06 High in Floate and a good source of dietary fiber, Navy beans are so named not because
of their colour,but because of the fact that they were a staple food item for the U.S. Navy
early in teh 20th century.

07 Thre reason a banana becomes sweeter as it ripens is because the starch it contains is
converted into three different types of sugar; sucrose,glucose and fructose

08 Pecans are chock full of more than 19 differrent vitamins and minerals.

09 Bok Choy is a chinese vegetable of the green leafy variety that is now commonly
grown and cultivated in Calgary, Alberta.

1o Sultanas are the name most often associated with golden-coloured raisins, which
actually originate from a special type of grape grown in the U.S. that does not contain any

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