Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Benefits of Having a GREAT BODY

1.....Feel Good
being physically fit and strong will significantly boost feelings of mental well being and
enhance your outlook on life. Having a great physique, and undertaking the training that
enables this, naturally leads itself to enhanced self-esteem and posative attitude resulting
from increased blood flow to the brain and throughout the body, and the release of
chemical substances called endorphins, which are released to offset physical pain to
create feelings of euphoria...( a profound sence of WELL BEING)

2.....Function Better
veloped physique with good muscle balance will enable one to work harder
physically, while serving to protect the body's joints and internal organs. Strong muscles
and low body fat levels, while being easy on the eye, also equate to better performance which
leads us nicely into point three.

3.....Attract the Opposite Sex
It could be argued that the number one reason guys start training with weights is to
attract the opposite sex. Indeed, a firm tight physique with adequate muscle size is
historically one of the most desired traits women look for in a men, as it signifies an ability to
protect and provide. Without size and strength our ancestors would not have stood a chance
in the cold hard world they inhabited. It's simple: Lean muscle and obvious strength are
attractive male attributes!

4.....Look Good In Clothing
Another popular reason for getting into shape is that you will look more attractive in
clothing, as it will fit better and will actually acceentuate your new physique. Nothing is more
impressive than a nice dress shirt capped off with a stylish pair of jeans and shoes.

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