Thursday, January 15, 2009

Top 5 Fat Loss Snacks for Busy People

One of the most popular questions I get asked is 'What can I eat for healthy snacks when I'm on the go so much?'

(Well it sometimes comes across as the statement, 'I don't have time to eat healthy, I'm on the go all the time'), but I see that as a question rather than a statement:)

Well here's my answer. I've compiled the Top 5 snacks I eat when on the run and I have gotten from my clients that have worked well for them as well as myself. All of these snacks are supportive in that they create a balance of nutrients (protein, carbs) that is optimal for fat loss. All of these snacks also take some preparation but if you do that you can grab and go as you head out the door. You can't readily get these snacks at your local convenience store, but they all take less than two minutes to prepare.

If you fail to plan ahead, then plan to fail.

Ok, here they are:

1. Apple (or another piece of fruit) - A very easy snack that you can grab and go in less than 10 seconds and will keep you satisfied.

2. Cottage cheese with pineapple- This one takes a little longer to prep time is about 2 minutes. Scoop cottage cheese into tupperware container and put some pineapple chunks in it and you are done. Don't forget to pack a fork or spoon. Another balanced snack with protein and healthy carbs.

3. Protein Powder- Put a scoop or two in a ziploc bag and make sure you have a container to mix it in. Total prep time 1 minute or less. Find a balanced protein powder with plenty of protein and some carbs with fiber.

4. Almonds with Apple (or other fruit)- Another snack that takes about 45 seconds to prepare. Put almonds in bag and grab an apple. Grab one handful of almonds, as that should be plenty.

5. Egg whites with Hummus- This one takes the longest to prepare...two minutes:) Take three or four hard boiled egg whites (or three whites and one whole egg) and mash it up in a container. Then take two tablespoons of hummus and mix it in with the egg whites. Pack a spoon and you are all set. It may not look good but it tastes great.

All balanced snacks designed to help you through the gaps between meals and optimize your metabolism.

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