Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Time of Year Where Most Fail

Unfortunately it is true. This is the time of year where most who pledged to make the New Year different then the year before begin to wain from their new found motivation.Pretty short amount of time isn't it, I mean we are on our second full week of the new year and more than half of them have resigned to old habits.
I hope you aren't one of them. Well let me ask...How are you doing?
Are you sticking to your guns? Are you maintaining the plan you made from the beginning?
Did you make a plan?
Planning is vital to any serious change of habit. You have to recognize that changing your habits isn't something you can do overnight by just making different choices. That will not provide lasting results for the long term.
If you have fallen from your New Year intentions and didn't make a plan the good news is that there is still time to jump back on that horse by mapping out a plan of attack.
Start with a reason why. Why do you want to make this change. And don't make it the ordinary, no emotion lose weight, get healthy, or get fit. If I hear those goals one more time I may just throw something:)
Those have no meaning and will hold no ground when times get tough. Why do you want to get fit, why do you want to be healthy. Make the reason your goal and make sure it is for you and not what someone else wants for you.
Second, map out the plan of attack. Regarding losing belly fat, work on structuring your nutrition to support your habit change but also support your lifestyle. If you are a busy person, and my guess is you are, then quick meals as well as planning and food preparation (chopping, cooking in bulk) ahead of time are going to be part of that plan.
Third structure your workouts the same way, toward your lifestyle. Again, there is a good chance you don't have time to spend two hours in the gym every day, so your workouts need to be time efficient, accessible (at home if necessary), and need to be very effective (no wasted time). Intrafitt Bootcamp is a diverse program that is very time efficient (each workout is approx. 45 minutes), and diverse with minimal equipment. Remember a successful workout is not only one that is put together to optimize results but is also one that gets used.
Lastly, get your mind on the right path. It takes a determined person to push through the tough times and with a strong goal in your mind you can conquer even the toughest challenges along the way. But you have to train your mind and develop a strong will. How do you do that?
Self Talk
How you talk to yourself will be the determining factor whether you ultimately succeed or fail. Practice talking differently to yourself if you find yourself talking negatively often, and see how much your mind and actions change. DO NOT overlook this step.
What next? Take action. Get back on track to those resolutions you made over two weeks ago and make your 2009 a year you will want to remember forever.

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