Monday, January 5, 2009

Supercharged Nutrition: The Ten foods you must have

Not all foods are created equal.
By now you know that.
But what are the foods that are above
and beyond the best for your body?
We've narrowed down to ten foods
that you must have in your nutrition plan for overall balance
and for your body's well being.
From Antioxidants to foods packed with fat burning
and nutrient satisfying qualities, this list can easily
be considered the Holy Grail of nutrition.
Mother Nature's perfect foods are the best
sources of antioxidants and major contributors of fiber;
fight disease and feel satisfied on fewer calories.
Even if you were to choose supplements over whole foods,
you cannot make up for the thousands of phytochemicals
found in fresh produce.
Concentrating on eating foods that
have a lot of nutrients and phytochemicals will set you up
for a leaner body and a healthier lifestyle.
Below is a list of the ten super foods that
you will want to eat plenty of for success

Fruits- From apples to berries, these foods
are high in antioxidants and reduce the risk
of some cancers, diabetes, asthma and heart disease.
Some of the best choices are blueberries, strawberries,
raspberries, and apples.
Nuts- High in fiber and protein, and antioxidants,
nuts can reduce the risk of diabetes and may
prevent certain cancers. Nuts also have anti inflammatory
properties as well as providing a source of healthy fats
which can prevent the accumulation of bad fats in the artery
walls, and contain Omega 3 fatty acids which help
the brain and heart.
Some of the best choices are walnuts, almonds and flaxseeds.
Tomatoes- Antioxidant rich (lycopene) may help prevent
prostate cancer and might also help prevent breast cancer.
That in itself is enough for me
Fish- Certain fish contain high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids.
The brain needs these to maintain many complex functions.
The body also requires a certain amount of these specific
fatty acids to take care of the heart and protect against stroke.
Omega 3's also help the body store less body fat, and the fat
you do store is more readily available to be used for energy
and will be burned during activity. Omega 3's also help
your body produce testosterone, the hormone responsible
for building new muscle. Some of the best sources are salmon,
mackerel, and bluefish.
Whole Grains- Many provide healthy stores of Vitamin B
and tons of fiber. Be sure your whole grains
are whole grains and not processed grains.
Processed grains can be detrimental to fat loss
and to a healthy lifestyle. Fiber has a ton of benefits
including: keeping you regular, slows digestion
of carbohydrates, lowers cholesterol,
and reduces risk of obesity. Some of the best sources
of whole grains are couscous, quinoa, bulgur wheat
and wheat berries.
Vegetables- Many vegetables contain cancer
fighting compounds. Dark leafy green veggies
have a pigment that enhances the body's immune
response. The same dark leafy veggies are rich
in Vitamin A and are antioxidants. Their anti inflammatory
powers will also help block pain. Some of the best choices
are broccoli, spinach, kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower,
and cabbage.
Olive Oil- A great source of healthy fat and powerful plant
nutrients, this oil also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
properties and decreases bad forms of cholesterol
while boosting good cholesterol.
Beans and Lentils- These are very high in protein
and fiber and contain powerful levels of antioxidants.
These nutrient dense foods help burn body fat and
stabilize blood sugar.
Yogurt- Rich in Vitamin A, calcium and probiotics
(good bacteria to help keep gastrointestinal tract in balance),
yogurt is a must. 80% of your body's immune system
is in the gastrointestinal tract, so probiotics
can be your first line of defense against sickness.
Calcium forces fat out of cells and into the bloodstream
where it is more quickly burned off.
If your body doesn't get enough calcium, the fat stores
are retained and grow steadily.
Green Tea- Green tea has high anti-viral and anti-bacterial
effects and its benefits keep expanding. It is good for the heart
and immune system, improves blood flow, is high in antioxidants
that fight inflammation, has mood-elevating properties
and prevents the absorption of fat.
These ten foods, when put into your nutrition plan,
will yield amazing results not just on the outside,
but will have you feeling healthy on the inside as well.
If these foods aren't in your plan, get them as soon
as you can and begin to feel the benefits from just eating better.

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