Friday, November 13, 2009

What is Supportive Nutrition?

You hear a lot of big words or phrases thrown at you in the health and nutrition world without really knowing what they really mean. Well I’m going to throw another phrase at you but I’m going to explain it so you know what the heck I’m talking about when I use the term supportive eating.

Supportive eating very simply is eating a lean protein and a fibrous carbohydrate with every meal. The lean protein and fibrous carbohydrate must be healthy choices and when you think about it if you follow the rule of LEAN protein and FIBROUS Carbohydrate, your choices are limited to only healthy options.

So what exactly are lean proteins and fibrous carbohydrates. Well I’ve compiled a list of lean proteins and fibrous carbohydrates that isn’t a comprehensive list but it will give you a good idea of what I’m talking about.

Lean Proteins

Chicken breast

Turkey breast


Egg whites

Low fat or fat free cottage cheese


Extra Lean Beef

Protein Powder

Fibrous Carbohydrates

Leafy Greens




Green Beans






Green Peppers

Black Beans

Red Kidney Beans

Soy Beans




That should give you a start on what I’m talking about. Like I said there are others that I didn’t include on this list and if you have a question about a particular food please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Essentially what we are looking for with supportive nutrition is balance between highly nutrient dense foods but also shaving away the calories not necessary to maintain or achieve a lean fit physique. Lean proteins help build and repair lean muscle and fibrous carbohydrates supply the energy to the body without causing a spike in blood sugar or excessive energy to be stored in the body.

What happens when your nutrition plan adapts to this, is when you exercise your body will turn to the depleted energy stores which will be burned quickly and the transition from carbohydrate calorie burn to fat burn will be much quicker. Think of fat as your secondary fuel source. You have to burn through all of your carbohydrate storage before going on to the fat. The less carbohydrates (esp starches) you eat, the lower your storage levels will be.

So simply put, supportive nutrition supports your health and your fat loss goals simultaneously. Eating lean proteins as well as fibrous carbohydrates with each meal and snack as much as possible will ensure the body you desire as well as the health you also desire.

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