Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dispelling Myth of Women and Strength

There is a long standing myth that women shouldn’t lift heavy weights. The lame reasons are that women will get big and bulky, will hurt themselves, and that women have no need to be strong.

What a bunch of crap that is.I’m going to get right to the point on this one because it is perhaps the most rediculous myth I have ever heard. Women have just as much reason to be strong as men do. Having strength doesn’t mean being big and bulky. Being strong is being able to move your body with confidence and not have the fear that you will hurt yourself or belief that you can’t do it.
Strength is a vital component to a well rounded fat loss and conditioning program. If you are stronger, you can last longer, you can burn more calories, and you can get better results.

And lifting soup cans isn’t going to get you strong. LOL I'm sooo tired of seeing that one!!!

I’m talking moves like pull ups, deadlifts, squats, kettlebell snatches and swings, and push up variations. The very same exercises that make men strong are just as good for women. And the fear of becoming big and bulky has 80% to do with nutrition and 20% to do with exercise. Just like every other method of training, if your nutrition isn’t in the right place, it just isnt’ going to happen.

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