Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How To Get Back On Track

Looking for a chance, a reason or maybe even the motivation to start over?

If you have fallen behind with your fat loss plan because of summer holidays or had some major set backs, No Worries!

Starting over is a fact of life!
And you are Absolutely NOT alone in this!

It makes no sense whatsoever to beat yourself up over it or hide behind excuses ~ such choices keep you RIGHT where you are.

If you are ready and willing to make a difference to your results, you can actually turn set backs into something Positive that can actually Benefit you!

Consider this cool Set Back Fact:
Each time you overcome a set back, you have the opportunity to learn more about YOU.

Set Backs are Stepping Stones….not anchors.

You can overcome each and every setback - keeping you moving on the path to self-improvement.

New lessons
New insight
New motivation
New appreciation

You can more effectively manage your “restarts” by embracing that this is a Life Long journey. Setbacks and restarts are bound to happen so you can choose to Minimize the effect by:

~ giving up the “all-or-nothing” mentality
~ getting better at forgiving yourself
~ taking time to reflect

This last one is super important!

How can we ever learn from these experiences - learning that will take us down a much more successful path - if we do not take the time to look back at whatever happened and ask ourselves….

“What could I have done differently?”

How To Get Back on Track and FAST

If you can make the effort to engage in negative self talk, choose to not workout, choose to indulge in a few more “cheats” - and yes, this does take effort -then you have the ability and the power to choose differently.

Action Steps:
Just three…so take them today.

1 ~ Goals
Take the time to write our your goal.

Determine what it is you want and most importantly - WHY you want it. If you already have taken this step- Review them and reconnect with the emotions of WHY you are doing all of this in the 1st place.

2 ~ Write About Your Experience
How freeing it is to write your thoughts and feelings about your set backs??!!

There is something VERY powerful in the written word.

3 ~ Forgive Yourself
As mentioned above, you cannot move on if you are holding on to dis-empowering emotions.
Forgive yourself - you are human and take the next best step!

Don’t let life pass you by!
Make the most of where you are right now and take that Next Best Step Forward!

~ “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. ”

Monday, August 23, 2010

Motivation is Key to success in achieving your goals!

Motivation is one of the most important factors which determines how successful we are at what we do. It is the driving force that gives us the will to accomplish tasks and eventually succeed at reaching an ultimate goal. Motivation levels can vary each day depending on how we feel, or how we view certain experiences. For anyone to succeed at slimming motivation will be the most important part to work at, it will provide us with the determination to get up and exercise even if we don't feel up to it. Motivation also drives us to stick to the low fat selections and recipes required to keep our progress moving.

The strength of your motivation will determine how successful you are in your weight loss efforts as the more you progress and lose weight the more difficult it will be to lose more as the body is pushed past its natural set points. Many top conditioning coaching admit that its possible to gain amazing results when an individual's motivation is high, even if the training program is not "scientifically correct".


Most dieters will have some degree of motivation as they have already decided to take action. The problem for many is keeping the levels high enough to prevent any relapse.

Work through some of the following ideas and see if these can increase your desire for success!


The most common reason people lose interest in exercise / dieting is due to unrealistic goals. Some see the images in the media or television and this coveys the message of how we are supposed to look, adverts enforce these images with false promises like "you too can have a body like this!", and we believe it! When the desired goals aren't reached we're made to believe we have failed.

We need to put these images into prospective and realise that most of the population just do not have the genetic predisposition to look like the models in the magazines, plus most images are now adjusted by computers to look better than they actually are.

Learn to love yourself for who you are, not who you wish to be. Acknowledge that you need to improve your health or weight, but believe that you will do what you can to be the best you can possibly be. The constant pressure and stress of trying to turn yourself into someone you physically cannot be will stop, and it'll be an enormous weight off the shoulders, you'll be surprised at how good it will make you feel and how this can help drive your motivation to make realistic improvements. When we understand and appreciate our bodies, we are able to work with them, not against them!


Many of us have a tendency to look at our bad points, however once you start to accept yourself it will be easier to focus on the positive side more. To make it easier try writing a list of all the good things in what you've done or what you like about your physical self. Practice running these positives through your mind regularly, it may take time but its surprising what you can believe if it is said enough times - remember the past believe that you could look like the models if you obtain the right diet!

  • if you don't reach a goal when you want, just focus on the fact that you will get there in time

  • remember how far you've got not how far you need to go

  • if you miss a workout one day don't worry just go back with more vigour to improve

  • remind yourself that a worthwhile pay-off lies ahead in an improved you

  • remember the exercise is improving your health and fitness and will help increase longevity

  • remember exercise has many psychological benefits including renewed confidence and self esteem

  • any type of action always drives motivation

To boost motivation some dieters need to development of a different "mind set". For some people hypnotherapy has work really well to help gain more control over the mind!


Setting goals has the advantage of focusing on what you intend to achieve. A goal acts as a form of mental contract with yourself and your degree of motivation will drive you to complete that contract. If the goal is too hard to achieve it can affect your success. The subconscious mind does not distinguish between big or little, it only knows success or failure. If you set a goal of four training sessions each week but only complete three then the mind sees this as a failure. For this reason you must set realistic and easily reachable goals. When you attain each goal it gives momentum to increase the level of motivation further.

Try these tips:

  • write down your goals

  • set easy goals often so you create a habit of success in the mind

  • set measurable goals - I will lose 1 pound each week. This gives you something to go for

  • tell friends and family about your goals for motivational support

  • make any routine fun and exciting to help maintain interest

  • try new challenging goals to stop your normal routine from becoming a chore

  • reward your success on reaching a goal

  • think positively, replace thoughts like "I can't" with "I can and I will"

  • don't set goals that are too much too soon

Monday, August 16, 2010

8 Minutes to Get Rid of Your Upper Body "chubb"

Whether it's the little black dress in winter or, for men, stripping down to your shorts in summer, those wobbly bits around the upper arms, chest and back can easily spoil the look. Here's our 8 minute body toning workout to banish the "chubb"

Equipment Needed

Any exercise aimed at toning your body needs something to provide resistance for your muscles to work against. Most of the exercises below use hand-held weights to provide resistance: these can be as simple as water bottles (or even tins of food) you can grip comfortably, or dumbbells in the range of 1lb-5lb/0.5-2kg.

Timing and Repetitions

10 reps of each exercise should take about 8 minutes. As with all exercise you should warm-up first. Marching or jogging on the spot for a few minutes interspersed with some gentle stretches will do the trick.


Body toning exercise can be a pretty painful experience if muscles have lain dormant for a while. The problem is, it's not until 24-48hrs after your workout that you'll realise you've overdone it! Body toning exercise should not be painful while you are doing it - if it is you're using too much weight.

If you've not been exercising your muscles recently it's best to start with a weight that feels "very easy" and build up gradually from there.

The Workouts

Exercise 1 - Chest and Shoulders

Lie on your back and grasp your weights with the palms of your hands facing up, and your arms outstretched to the sides. With your elbows slightly bent, lift your arms above your chest until your hands are almost touching. Return to starting position and repeat.

Exercise 2 - Chest and Shoulders

Lie on your back and grasp your weights with the palms of your hands facing up, and your arms outstretched above your head. Grip your weights and bring them over your head and down to your hips, by your sides - a semi-circular motion. Lift back to starting position and repeat.

Exercise 3 - Chest and Back

Sitting with your back straight (preferably supported) and legs straight out in front of you, hold your weights in at your chest with your elbows out to the side (parallel to the floor). Push your arms out straight in front of you then pull them back in. Repeat.

Exercise 4 - Back and Shoulders

Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms by your sides, gripping the weights with palms facing outwards. Making sure your movements are slow and concentrated, tense your shoulder and upper back muscles, then slowly "shrug" them up and down.

Exercise 5 - Shoulders and Upper Arms

Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms raised straight up above your head, grip your weights with your palms facing behind you. Slowly bring your arms forward and down, without bending at the elbow, until level with your shoulders. Lift back to starting position and repeat.

Exercise 6 - Upper Arms, Shoulders and Back

Standing with feet slightly apart, grasp your weights and bend at the waist until your torso is parallel to the floor. Extend your arms towards the floor with palms facing outwards. Lift your arms out to the side, keeping them straight, until parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Exercise 7 - Upper Arms, Shoulders and Back

Standing with feet slightly apart, position your arms straight down in front of you almost against your body - with your weights almost touching. Bend your elbows and lift your weights towards your chin, bringing your elbows out to the side, in line with your shoulders. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Exercise 8 - Arms and Chest

The classic push up. With your hands shoulder width apart place your palms on the floor. Stretch out your body with either your knees on the floor, or if you're feeling ambitious, your toes - so you are supporting your body weight. Keeping your back straight and using your arms lower yourself gently toward the floor until you are hovering just over it. Push yourself slowly back to your starting position and repeat. Remember - don't lower yourself to the point where you come into contact with the floor, it'll be much harder to push back up.

Exercise 9 - Arms

In a sitting position with your back straight, relax your arms in line with your body. Grip your weights with your palms facing upwards and curl them up towards your shoulders, then back down again. Repeat. Keep your torso still and back straight, let your arms do the work.

Exercise 10 - Forearms

Holding your weight with your arm outstretched in front of you, tilt your wrist up and down repeatedly. Try doing this with both an overhand and underhand grip on your weight. Do one arm at a time.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Muscle Memory

The question many people weight training ask is how does muscle memory work and how can we capitalize on this in our workouts? Well the answer may be a little more complicated than it seems but this article seeks to demystify the muscle memory phenomenon and provide you with strategies to make the most of your workouts even when you miss a few days or weeks.

What is Muscle Memory?

Physiologically speaking muscle memory is also known as nerromuscular facilitation whereby our muscles memorize movements and through space and time.

To clarify this point lets take a look at someone who has an ankle break and has a cast placed on their ankle. After not using the muscles in the foot and calves for several weeks the person loses ability to completely flex and extend the foot. Although this may seem like a major set back the muscles still remember how to do the movement and that person is able to walk again shortly thereafter.

Now let’s contrast this to learning an exercise for the first time, for example a biceps curl with a dumbbell. When we first learned how to do this our brain wants to do this exercise the easiest way we know how, by involving our shoulders and using our body to swing the weight up.

But we quickly learn from personal trainers (and health blogs such as this!) that we really need to keep our elbows tucked in to our sides and simply use the bicep muscle alone to flex and bring the weight up. After all, doing it this way without any swinging motion is the most effective way of building the biceps muscle.

How Can We Benefit From Muscle Memory?

This one simple point is the basis of all our training. The more we train and understand what exercises our body responds to best the better we can perform and utilize our muscle memory to gain maximum results from weight training. In other words, even if you take some time off or away from the gym, when you come back a few weeks later you can still have that benefits of remembering how to do that exercise and quickly get back on the train of muscle growth.

How Can We Suffer From Muscle Memory?

Of course with every positive is a negative so we can also suffer from muscle memory. By this I mean that our body rapidly adapts to exercises and the immediate results that we see when getting back in the gym eventually slow down…unless…we add variation. This is key, we have to remember to switch up our weight training routine at least once every 6 weeks otherwise we will plateau and lose motivation.

Professional athletes and trainers like Mike are very focused on this. Thats why every routine is different. Mike wants you to maximize your potential! so at 6:00 am when you want to kill him, just know that he wants to see you succeed! Even if the exercise is as simple as bicep curls with a barbell, simply switching it up to dumbbells will be a significant variation to give us results again.


Remember, no matter what gets in your way of maintaining your training schedule it is never too late to go back. Consistency with variation is key, kind of ironic I know, but have fun with your workouts by trying out different routines all the time. Keep your muscles guessing and you will maximize the benefits you see with muscle strength, toning and fat loss.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Should You Mix and Match Exercises?

should you mix and match exercises.jpgThe question often arises as to whether you can just pick up a workout out of a magazine or book and add a few of the exercises into your routine, or potentially substitute some the stated exercises with others.

These questions come up out of the need to substitute exercises because you either don't have the equipment specified or you just want to mix and match exercises depending on which moves look interesting. Sometimes you may even want to add in another exercise because it happens to target a particular muscle group you're looking to work.

I ask you to display some caution when it comes to substituting exercises, doubling up on certain body parts, or just choosing an exercise because of how it looks. The reason I say this is that, not all, but many of the programs you see designed in books and some magazines are created as a complete workout. This means that in order to get the maximum effectiveness of that workout you need to complete all the specified movements.

Typically, the sum of all the exercises also brings balance to all body parts and provides a total workout. By mixing and matching you run the risk of creating a muscular imbalance and missing out on a well-balanced workout.

However, there are very specific ways you can substitute exercises with similar movements to still get the same results.

I pulled this off the internet, mostly due to the time I was alotted, at 2:40 in the morning and an hour of researching. Actually my mother asked me this question, and I gave her the same answer. The only difference was the answer I gave. The answer was deffinately not explained as clearly as "Stephen Cabral" None the less had I been given some time, this is the reply that I would have given, if I wasnt half asleep.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Nobody, At Any Level, Should Be Allowed To Have
Anything To Do With Healthy Weight Loss Until They
Have Read This Page Seven Times"

Imagine that you’re standing around at work or seated in a classroom taking notes. Or, maybe you’re driving to your child’s first t-ball game of the season.

What you’re NOT doing is sweating or gasping for air.

Yet your metabolism is “exercising”: It’s burning more calories than it normally does at rest, and that means more fat loss.

How many more calories is it burning? By the start of the next day, it will be as many as an athlete might burn by running at over 9 miles per hour on a treadmill for nearly 10 minutes straight (~19 calories per minute).

And it's all because of one ingredient tucked inside a natural product that’s available from any supermarket and is said to be second only to water in terms of its worldwide consumption1.

Here’s another supermarket wonder. This naturally-occurring amino acid has the potential to reduce your caloric intake by as much as 8%. In one study2, subjects who took it ate almost 100 fewer calories.

No undesirable side effects.

It simply reduced their appetite for food. Needless to say, avoiding overeating is a critical component of losing body fat and the one many of us find the most difficult to accomplish.

Let’s add a third to the mix. When subjects took a single dose of this popular ingredient, their calorie-burning rate was boosted by as much as 4% for the next two and a half hours, a change that could lead to “substantial” changes in body weight, according to the scientists who conducted the study3.

The weight loss ingredients described above are just three out of the carefully blended collection of twelve found in Prograde’s new METABOLISM dietary supplement, the latest addition to our line of products intended to help you simplify the process of achieving your proudest body.*

Everyone’s Talking About The Same Thing.

“Slim down”, “lean up”, “drop a few pounds” –whichever words you use to talk about losing weight, you’re ultimately describing the same thing: reducing body fat.

Your body can be divided into two tissue compartments: fat mass and lean mass. Fat mass includes body fat, also known as adipose tissue. Lean mass includes skeletal muscle.

Few of us want to lose muscle when we lose weight. If anything, we’re in a constant struggle to hold on to it as we age.

Body fat, in contrast, is something we strive to get rid of.

Besides affecting how you look in a swimsuit and your level of comfort in front of cameras, body fat impacts your so-called “metabolic health” and, in turn, your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

This May Be The Most Important Secret.

Perhaps the most important secret to losing body fat is “exercising” your metabolism. Physical activities like walking, lifting weights, swimming and the like can push your metabolism to work harder and thereby burn more calories.

And increasing your calorie-burning rate (a.k.a. metabolic rate) is the first step towards achieving negative fat balance, a technical term for the state of affairs in which your body is burning more fat than it’s storing.

No matter how hard you work out or how healthy you eat, if you’re not in negative fat balance, then you’re not losing body fat.

Of course, at some point during the day most of us have to stop exercising in the conventional sense of the word and make a living. The moment you do that (or consume a meal), your calorie-burning rate plummets and it becomes far more difficult to achieve negative fat balance.

This presents a problem: Similar to how you gain body fat when you remain in positive fat balance for a long period of time, losing fat requires that you remain in negative fat balance for a long period of time.

For most mortals, working out all day isn’t an option.

Fortunately, there are natural products capable of keeping your metabolism “exercising” at rest, thereby elevating your calorie-burning rate and making it easier to achieve negative fat balance.

Four of the most studied of these products are coffee, hot red pepper, cinnamon and green tea. We’ve all passed by them in the supermarket.

Few of us, however, are aware of the metabolic properties displayed by particular ingredients found inside each, and how these properties may help you simplify the process of losing body fat. Below is just a small sample of what human studies (no furry animals) have reported:

• A single 50-mg dose of caffeine, equivalent to a little over ½ a cup of coffee, was found to increase the calorie-burning rate of healthy male subjects by 6%2.*

• Women given a meal containing capsaicin, the compound responsible for the painful experience of eating hot red pepper, experienced an increase in calorie-burning rate of 10% after the meal4.*

• Pre-diabetic subjects given a cinnamon extract reduced their body fat by 0.7% and increased their lean mass by 1.1%. No such changes were observed in subjects receiving a placebo5.*

• Men and women given a green tea extract increased their calorie-burning rate by 3.5%6.*

The figures cited above sound impressive, don’t they? The reality is that they’re not. A closer re-examination shows why:

• Caffeine: The 6% increase in calorie-burning rate only lasted 4 hours, causing subjects to burn an average of 17 more Calories. That’s roughly the caloric content of 3 tablespoons of Coca-Cola.*

• Capsaicin: The women in this study ate a curried rice curry dish containing 3 mg of capsaicin, equivalent to a few grams of hot red pepper, depending on the variety. Their calorie-burning rate increased 10%, but only for 30 minutes.*

As one of the scientists who conducted the study remarked, it would take a year to lose 1 kg (2.2 lb) of body fat at this rate7.*

• Cinnamon: Subjects received the cinnamon extract for 12 weeks. The daily dose was equivalent to 10 g of whole cinnamon. While the reduction in body fat experienced by the subjects taking cinnamon was significant, it was also pretty modest.*

For a 190-lb person with 25% body fat, a 0.7% decrease represents a loss of less than half a pound of body fat.* It’s questionable whether you would even notice a change this small, though the fact that the subjects taking cinnamon gained lean mass at the same time as they lost fat does make the results quite a bit more compelling.

Subjects taking cinnamon also experienced a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure.*

• Green tea: The results of this study are more impressive. Subjects who took the extract received a daily dose equivalent to 3-4 cups of brewed green tea8.

Their calorie-burning rate rose by 3.5%, not just for an hour or two, but for twenty-four hours.*

This meant they burned anywhere from 63.5-200 additional Calories a day (average 78.3 Calories).

Using the highest figure in this range, this is roughly equivalent to the caloric content of a small piece of pizza, or how many Calories an athlete might burn by running on a treadmill at over 9 miles per hour for almost 10 minutes without stopping.

Remember, however, that the average was 78.3 Calories.

If you did nothing else but ingest green tea and it increased your calorie-burning rate by this amount every single day, it would take you nearly 7 weeks to lose one pound of body fat.*

Burning Calories In The “Real World”

A considerable amount of scientific research suggests that key ingredients in coffee (caffeine), hot red pepper (capsaicin), cinnamon (polyphenols) and green tea (catechins) have a modest ability to increase your calorie-burning rate or in some other way assist with weight loss and protection against obesity.* While taking larger doses may produce stronger weight loss effects, it also increases the risk of undesirable “side” effects.

Here are a couple of examples.

As scientists who have studied capsaicin point out, most Westerners would find it very difficult if not impossible to get enough of his compound from the diet (e.g. as by adding hot red pepper to meals) to achieve a fat-reducing effect9. It’s just too painful.

Others have shown that caffeine or coffee only produce increases in 24-hour calorie-burning rate (i.e. as opposed to an increase that only lasts an hour or two) when doses in the range of 600-1000 mg of caffeine are ingested3.

That’s equivalent to drinking 6-12 cups of coffee in a single day, levels known to produce disturbances in mood (e.g. anxiety) and blood pressure in some individuals.

Even the relatively smaller doses found to produce modest benefits (without undesirable side effects) in studies may be impractical to achieve by relying on the diet alone.

Studies on cinnamon, for example, have used the equivalent of anywhere from 1-10 g of cinnamon powder, quantities not ordinarily used in food. While it may be possible to get enough cinnamon from the diet to lose body fat, USDA scientist Dr. Richard Anderson (Ph.D.) explains that cinnamon obtained this way may be “inactivated” by polyphenol-binding proteins secreted by your salivary glands10.

Others, like Dr. Andrew Blannin (Ph.D.) think that it would be extremely hard to consume enough cinnamon to produce improvements in insulin sensitivity without taking supplements11.*

In light of everything we’ve discussed, it could be argued that the most sensible approach is to take just enough of each ingredient to produce a small calorie-burning effect so that the overall effect is that much greater.

Unfortunately, based on studies like those referred to here, putting such a “team approach” into practice by relying on the diet only could amount to drinking 3-4 cups of green tea, adding hot red peppers to several meals and swallowing 10 g of cinnamon, all followed by at least one, if not 2, 3, 4 or more, cups of black coffee.

If that doesn’t sound delicious, then we don’t know what does. There’s got to be a simpler way.

The Simpler Way: New METABOLISM

Prograde’s new METABOLISM dietary supplement is intended to serve as a simple tool for helping you “exercise” your metabolism, raise your calorie-burning rate and get you into the negative fat balance territory where fat loss actually occurs.*

How simple is METABOLISM to use? For starters, one serving consists of three size “00” capsules, each measuring only 0.75 x 0.25 inches. The small dimensions make the capsules easy to swallow with water.

Yet inside each serving, Prograde’s R&D scientists managed to fit a team of the same four weight loss ingredients discussed in this article:

• Caffeine: We selected a dose of caffeine that’s been proven to increase calorie-burning rate in healthy subjects12. Importantly, subjects taking this dose experienced no significant changes in blood pressure (no different than subjects receiving a placebo).*

• Capsaicin: Now there’s no need to add hot red peppers to your meals in order to “exercise” your metabolism. We took capsaicin isolated from the pepper plant and inserted it conveniently into each capsule of METABOLISM.

The particular capsaicin we selected came from a location in India, more than 7000 miles away. It has a 40,000 H.U. (heat units) rating that is relatively mild and thus less likely to upset sensitive stomachs.*

• Cinnamon: METABOLISM’s R&D scientists chose to use a concentrated extract of cinnamon bark in a dose equivalent to 1 gram of whole cinnamon.

This is within the range of doses used in studies investigating cinnamon’s beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity and blood glucose regulation, both of which may factor into the weight loss equation.*

• Green tea extract: The green tea extract found in each serving of METABOLISM is sourced from China (who knows green tea better?). It contains more than 112% of the dose of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) ingested by the subjects in the study that reported a 3.5% increase in 24-hour calorie-burning rate6.

EGCG is the catechin believed to contribute to green tea’s anti-obesity effects.*

In an effort to further intensify METABOLISM’s calorie-burning potential, Prograde’s R&D scientists added:

• L-Tyrosine: Two servings of METABOLISM supplies 175% of the dose of this naturally-occurring amino acid found to reduce food intake in healthy subjects2.

In the same study, tyrosine caused subjects to burn a greater proportion of calories from fat.*

• L-Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG): The amino acid l-arginine has a reputation for increasing levels of growth hormone (GH) and nitric oxide (NO).*

Among other things, GH is involved in the regulation of body composition, i.e. the proportion of fat mass versus lean mass.* NO helps regulate blood flow.*

Taking arginine before exercise may enhance blood flow to your working muscles by supporting the production of NO.*

• DL-Methionine, Inositol and Choline Bitartrate; Vitamins B-6, B-12 and Biotin:

This team of important nutrients was added to METABOLISM to support the movement of fat in the body and its efficient conversion into usable energy (“calories burned”).*

All of METABOLISM’s ingredients are carefully blended together using airtight stainless steal equipment.

Prior to blending, they’re stored in double-lined, fibrous drums in a room that is strictly monitored for both temperature and humidity.

Once the drums are opened, blending takes place quickly, after which the resulting mixture is re-stored in the drums to help keep its precious team of ingredients fresh and ready for metabolic action before being placed in the consumer package that ends up in your hand.*

Keep Your Metabolism In “Exercise Mode”

If METABOLISM were an actual piece of exercise equipment, it would be a high-speed treadmill, one of those commercial kinds with the four-horsepower-plus motor. (Fortunately, it is much smaller than a treadmill.)

Indeed, a team of ingredients like this has the potential to do great things to your metabolism, particularly as it concerns reducing body weight.*

However, if your goal is to swallow a few capsules with water, sit back and watch the pounds drop off without paying attention to your diet or exercise habits, then please don’t buy it.

It wasn’t designed with you in mind.

Who METABOLISM is designed for is for those of us who intend on using it as an effective adjunct to a diet containing an appropriate amount of Calories and a regular program of exercise, the latter preferably including plenty of resistance exercise.*

When used in this manner, the results you experience are likely to be much, much greater.*

Mikey received this article from a friend of his. Mike felt really passionate about this article,and wanted me to post it on the blog today....... WOW it's A LOT to take in....maybe that's why you have to read it 7 times...enjoy