Friday, October 31, 2008

Sungard's lunch time bootcamp

Terrific job Sungardians!
Rhonda don't strain yourself too much with those 5lbers....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fat doesn't make you fat...

There is a common myth out there that has its roots in the 1980's and unfortunately still thrives today. And that is the thought that fat is the only food that causes weight gain.

The unlimited choices of fat free food items are so immensely popular in our society that you would think if this was the lone culprit, we would be very healthy and fit.

As you know this is not the case. In fact it is the complete opposite.

We are a fatter society than we ever have been, and our kids are getting larger and larger too.

So fat free foods don't seem to be cutting it alone. Why? Well first we have to look at the fat free foods themselves.

A food that is made fat free that isn't meant to be must have 'fillers' to replace the space left vacant by the fat that has been taken out or not added. The old adage, when you take something away you must replace it with something else rings very true here. The fillers are usually foods that you wouldn't eat if you were trying to eat healthy. Some examples of fillers are High Fructose Corn Syrup (not healthy despite what you hear in the television commercials), hydrogenated oils, or preservatives (too many to name here). These fillers in turn make the once thought healthy fat free food a food you wouldn't touch on a supportive and healthy eating plan.

Now hold on before you run out the door and buy that Cesar Salad Dressing you have been craving, there's more to this.

The key to a supportive menu is to create balance. Healthy fats are fine and will not cause weight gain provided the nutritional balance is intact. What I mean by that is if you are going to have an elevated amount of healthy fats, your carbohydrates must be lowered to create a supportive balance and the proteins must be elevated.

The fat gaining combination is high fat with high carbohydrate intake. When the two together are high, then you can guarantee a gain in fat. Not only will that mean your protein intake is low (which has a high thermogenic effect- amount of energy used from food for digestion), but your muscles will not have the recovery nutrients it needs to maintain and grow lean muscle tissue. The lower thermic effect of carbohydrates and fats combined with the effect carbohydrates have on blood sugar levels sets up a recipe for disaster for your fat loss efforts.

Yours in fitness


the ladies gettin' their pose on!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Do you hear that, bootcampers?
It's the voices in the cupboard.
The chips, the cookies, the candy are all calling your name and tempting you.
They are relentless, and they don't care if you just ate a supportive meal.
They must be eaten to be satisfied, and they will go to great lengths to dig deep into your mind and take over your thoughts.
But you do have a defense against these dark forces.
See their voice is only powerful within the walls of your home. If they are outside the walls, they can't be heard.
So, get them out of your house as fast as you can before they take over your mind and your body. There is nothing good that can come of these voices.
Am I saying that you can never give in to the voices?
No not at all. Save them for special occasions when you dine out or go to gatherings.
But if they are in your house, your mind will be taken over by their voices and it will most likely be sooner rather than later.
Give yourself a fighting chance against the voices.

Make your home a safe haven for your goals.

Yours in Fitness,


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Motivational Quote of the Week

Motivational Quote of the Week
Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've already got.

Jim Rohn

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Awesome work bootcampers!

10 round or 45min

12 burpees with push up
12 squats
12 renegade rows
12 lunges
12 shoulder press
Run 600m

Great job Mike Philbrick and Heather Talbot for doing 9 rounds.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008


It's everywhere, some you can drink and some you can't. But I'm not writing to you to talk about the quality of water.
I'm writing to you to express the importance of adequate amounts of water for your body.
Yes it is good for you, but it is also a vital weapon against fat loss and achieving that lean look you always wanted.
Water stimulates nutrients to be taken to the muscles for recovery and growth from an intense workout.
Water keeps the bodily functions running efficiently and the metabolism runs high in a hydrated body.
Your body doesn't have to work hard to perform vital functions such as blood flow, heart rate, and other acts.
In your workout, a hydrated body will perform at a much higher rate than will a dehydrated body, enabling you to train with more intensity.
Other benefits of proper hydration include:
  • less wrinkles in skin
  • healthier joints
  • clearer mind
  • more energy
  • less aches and pains
You can also avoid those liquid calories by drinking water instead of soda, fruit juices, and energy drinks. I often get questions as to why I drink so much water, and my immediate thought is to ask why they drink so little, but I explain to them that the benefits far outweigh the consequences (go to the bathroom often).
Now you don't have to have 13 Kleen Kanteen bottles in your refrigerator, but you do want to have about .5 to .6 ounces of water per pound of body weight per day, so if you haven't had your water yet today, get drinking.

Yours in Fitness


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stubborn fat, sluggish love life

I've personally worked with hundreds and hundreds of men and women in
their quest to blast fat off their body.

And something nobody likes to actually talk about is how their love
life is affected by their current body shape.

Hey, it's tough to admit to someone - even a qualified professional
like me - that one of the main reasons they want to shed unwanted
pounds is because their significant other has lost some interest.

I'm not a trained mental health professional. So it's not in my
realm of expertise to counsel someone on feeling like that.

But I do know those feelings are very much true and they really get
you down in the dumps.

My personal opinion is that it is a legitimate reason for wanting
to completely transform your body.

It's basic human nature to want to feel attractive. And you
certainly want to FEEL "wanted" by the person you love.

So if that is your motivation for wanting to look great naked, I'm
all for it.

Yours in Fitness


Friday, October 10, 2008

Portion control bootcampers!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all Intrafitt Bootcampers. Hope all can make Monday's workout at 9:30am.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

As long as the mind is enslaved the body will never be free... Dr. Martin Luther King

The way I use this quote in the fitness world is... until you can wrap your mind around the 3 training principals of fitness (anaerobic exercise, proper nutrition, aerobic exercise) you will never succeed. Please don't half ass it!! 2 out of 3 won't cut it!!
No excuses!! COMMIT!!!

Don't be a WHININ' baby and TRAIN HARD!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008