Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Is Corn Sugar Better For Us Than High Fructose Corn Syrup?
Actually it is the same thing. The Corn Refiners Association petitioned for this name change thinking that it would avoid confusion about high fructose corn syrup. Their argument is that HFCS is the same as table sugar. There are definite proponents to this statement though. HFCS was introduced in the late 1970s and a cheaper form of sweetener than plain sugar. It is true that obesity rates have risen by more than 100% since then. (1) The rise in diabetes since 1980 equaled the increase in HFCS consumption according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (2)
There have been various studies conducted comparing HFCS and table sugar. One was a 10 week study that showed after the 10 weeks the HFCS participants had new fat cells surrounding their organs. The table sugar participants showed no new fat cells around their organs. (3)
We already know that HFCS is not good for us and can lead to weight gain and even obesity. We have also seen plenty of studies that show regular sugar can do the same thing. Now does one happen faster than the other. These studies appear to show that, but in the end they are both just as guilty in contributing to weight gain and obesity.
What would be interesting is researching the effects of a long term study with HFCS and table sugar. What happens after 5 years, 10 years and even 20 years. Do you end up with the same result?
Obviously you are probably not going to get many participants sign up for that study because it could easily lead to pre-mature death. I am sure the money paid to the participants won't be anywhere close to the amount for someone to think this is a good idea.
Instead how about we just minimize HFCS and table sugar all together. Minimize your processed foods and look at the labels for the words HFCS, corn syrup, corn sugar and even sugar if it is the main ingredient used for that food.
There are of course many other unhealthy ingredients that can contribute to your weight gain. These are not the only ones.
If you need something sweet lean towards natural foods like real fruit or natural honey as a condiment.
Stick to natural foods when you can and you won't even have to worry about this debate on whether HFCS is worse for you than regular sugar.
1 NIDDK, “Statistics Related to Overweight and Obesity”
2 Bray, G, Nielsen, SJ, Popkin B., “Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup in beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2004; Vol. 79, No. 4, 537-543
3 Hofmann S, Tschop M., “Dietary sugars: a fat difference,” The Journal of Clinical Investigation 2009; 119(5):1089-1092
Monday, October 25, 2010
5 Freaky Fat Loss Holiday Helpers.
One of the most dreaded times of year where it is considered the ‘norm’ to gain weight and give into temptation because it is the only socially acceptable thing to do.
Well I’ve been known a little bit as someone who likes to go against the grain, but I’m also realistic. No doubt the holidays are tough but there is no reason why we can’t set reasonable goals but still enjoy the holidays a little bit. Here are five holiday fat loss helpers that will allow you to have your cake and eat it too (pun intended).
1. Set a plan- you know there are going to be social events, and days specifically where you will be challenged. Build your plan around them, and on those days choose two meals where you will use as cheat meals. I suggest working out on those cheat meal days so that the ‘damage’ is minimized by the cheat meals. Make sure you have a plan in effect so that your two cheat meals don’t turn into cheat weekends or weeks. Set a plan and stick to that plan.
2. Perform short workouts with higher intensity and little to no equipment. Using little to no equipment allows you to have diversity in your workout environment. You can train anywhere. And the short workouts are as effective and in many cases, more effective than longer workouts. The shorter workouts allow you to fit them into your busy holiday schedule.
3. Schedule your workouts earlier in the day. Scheduling your workouts earlier in the day allows you to get them done without trying to fit them in later in the day which tends to be taken up with dinner parties, get togethers, and family time. Most people don’t get up early to exercise during the holidays or early for anything (unless its cooking on Thanksgiving, or opening presents on Christmas), but you certainly can fit in a short intense workout before the festivities begin.
4. Hold the starch double the veggie. At meal times, minimizing the starchy carbohydrates and doubling up on veggies as well as having an extra portion of protein will help your nutrition and you won’t feel like depriving yourself. If you hold the starches at dinner, you have an opportunity to indulge in dessert. And won’t be overstepping on your unsupportive calories.
5. Don’t do it alone. There is a good chance that a family member or a friend would also like to minimize the damage the holidays can do to their waistline. So make it known what you are doing and put the offer out to others to join you so you can keep eachother on track and accountable. When your will power is weak and you want to fall off the supportive wagon, your support person may have the will power to say no and help you through the challenge.
The holidays don’t have to spell defeat. If you implement the strategies above, you can minimize the bulge to your waistline and come out of the other side of the holidays ready to kick it into high gear.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Taking low-dose Aspirin can help reduce deaths caused by colon cancer by more than a third, British researchers have found.
Their report in Friday's online issue of the medical journal The Lancet reviewed the 20-year results of four trials involving more than 14,000 people that were enrolled in a study on use of ASA (acetylsalicylic acid) to prevent stroke and heart attack.
Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in developed countries, with about one million new cases and 600 000 deaths worldwide each year.
In the study, Prof. Peter Rothwell of University of Oxford in the U.K. and his-co-authors looked at colorectal cancer incidence and mortality among people who were given regular, lower-range European Aspirin doses of between 75 milligrams ("baby Aspirin") and 300 milligrams.
There seemed to be no advantage to taking more than a baby-sized dose.
Previous studies looked at the prevention benefits of a daily dose of high does, at least 500 milligrams of ASA.
"Anyone with any risk factors such as a family history [of colon cancer] or a previous polyp should definitely take Aspirin," said Rothwell said.
The finding also "tips the balance" for anyone considering Aspirin to prevent heart attacks and strokes, he said.
Help for high-risk patients
The results mean that for every 100 people who take low-dose ASA daily, one case of colorectal cancer was prevented, and 1 in 70 deaths from the disease was avoided.
Those findings are comparable to how statins for cholesterol prevent one heart attack for every 100 people who take them.
The other interesting aspect of the study is that the types of colorectal tumours that were prevented were those higher up in the colon, which are harder to detect with screening tests, said Mark Elwood of the B.C. Cancer Agency in Vancouver, commenting on the study.
Specialists warn, however, that there are risks associated with ASA even at low doses. It is a matter of patients balancing those risks and potential benefits in consultation with their own doctor, Elwood suggested, noting the evidence was based on people age 50 and older.
If taken in high doses over a long period, ASA can irritate the stomach, intestines and bowel, causing lesions and major bleeding.
"This interesting study would incite clinicians to turn to primary prevention of colorectal cancer by Aspirin at least in high risk-populations," Dr. Robert Benamouzig and Dr. Bernard Uzzan of Avicenne Hospital in Bobigny, France, wrote in a journal commentary accompanying the study.
The commentators called for specific guidelines on using ASA for colon cancer prevention.
No funding was provided for the study. Rothwell and some of his co-authors have been paid for work by several drug makers who produce anti-clotting drugs such as ASA.
story was on the CBC NEWS website.... Do your research people....
Monday, October 4, 2010
Hey guy's and gal's it's that time of the year again..... Thanksgiving......!
As much as I wanna say, don't go overboard and eat everything you can get your hands on, but let's be honest here.....nothing I say is gonna change the tradition of eating as much turkey as you possibly can. There is only a few times a year that family and friends come over to eat mass amounts of turkey, so "dig-in" you deserve it!
We look forward to seeing all of y0u on the wednesday following the FAT-FILLED weekend....lol Monday is a holiday, so enjoy it and relax.....Wednesday is gonna be torture!
From us at Intrafitt, Happy Thanksgiving guys!!! Have an awesome long weekend, and eat lots,drink some, and be safe!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Long considered a treat, chocolate milk is gaining popularity as a post-workout recovery drink.
Research shows that chocolate milk, loaded with carbohydrates and protein, refuels muscles, reduces muscle breakdown and rehydrates the body.
Studies, including at Indiana University and Virginia's George Mason University, suggest drinking low-fat chocolate milk after exercise is just as effective in helping muscles recover as a high-carbohydrate sports drink.
At about 25 cents for an eight-ounce serving, it's a bargain, too.
Cheryl Zonkowski, director of sports nutrition at the University of Florida, said reduced-fat chocolate milk is offered to about 530 student-athletes – as well as Gatorade nutrition and protein recovery shakes and cherry juice – following exercise.
"It contains 170 total calories, with 29 grams of carbohydrates and 8 grams of protein, a 3.6-to-1 ratio. Optimal recovery ratio for carbs to protein is between 3-to-1 and 4-to-1," Zonkowski said. Milk also contains vitamins A, D, B-6 and B-12; plus niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.
Each week, athletes from among the University of Florida's 12 Gator teams drink 12 cases of 50, eight-ounce containers of 1 per cent chocolate milk available in weight rooms and training facilities. Whatever their choice, timing is important since optimal recovery takes place immediately to about 30 minutes following exercise, Zonkowski said.
And some athletes say tart cherry juice, rich in antioxidants, eases muscle pain and soreness.
Other everyday foods are also being touted as fitness fuel. University of Texas researchers found that a bowl of whole-grain cereal, such as corn flakes or bran flakes, and milk are also great for post-exercise recovery.
Florida's dairy industry is pleased with the trend.
"It's a completely new way of looking at refuelling, but it's one that makes a lot of sense. It's definitely gaining lots of traction,'' said Scott Wallin, spokesman for Dairy Farmers Inc.
article from healthzone.ca
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
This month’s Nutrition Performance is going to give you the breakdown of the latest science on what bodybuilders need to eat and drink for a long life— so they don’t look like the Crypt Keeper.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Tea Have Anti-Aging Effect on Cells
Omega-3s, the fatty acids found primarily in coldwater fish like salmon, have a host of health benefits including protecting against prostate cancer and reducing heart disease. Now there's evidence that Omega-3s may have a profound anti-aging effect, too.
A study using rats found that administration of Omega-3 fatty acids increased their life span by approximately one-third.1 A more recent study in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association looked at the effect of Omega-3 fatty acids on telomere length. Telomeres are structures at the end of chromosomes that are markers of biological aging. Think of a piece of strand that is wrapped up, and every time the strand is unraveled, it shortens your life span. Well, telomeres are at the end of the strand, keeping the strand from unraveling— so every time the telomeres shorten is indicative of the Grim Reaper taking a step closer.
Genetic factors, exposure to certain chemicals and environmental stressors, inflammation, obesity and lack of exercise all shorten the length of telomeres— and are believed to contribute to the aging process. Researchers from the University of California investigated whether Omega-3 fatty acid blood levels were linked to changes in telomere length in a study of 608 people who had stable coronary artery disease. The researchers suspected that Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) may have anti-aging effects. That’s exactly what they found!
The scientists found that research subjects with the least amount of DHA and EPA experienced the most rapid rate of telomere shortening (indicative of a shorter life). However, those with the highest levels of the Omega-3 fatty acids experienced the slowest rate of telomere shortening.2 Each one-standard deviation increase in DHA+EPA levels was associated with a 32 percent reduction in the odds of telomere shortening. So the question is, how do Omegas-3 fatty acids provide anti-aging effects?
One of the mechanisms is that Omega-3 fatty acids reduce free radical damage, which shortens telomeres. Taking Omega-3 fatty acids and eating plenty of marine wildlife is a sure “supplement” to extend one’s life.
1. Jolly CA, Muthukumar A, Avula CP, Troyer D, Fernandes G. Life span is prolonged in food-restricted autoimmune-prone (NZB × NZW)F(1) mice fed a diet enriched with (n-3) fatty acids. J Nutr, 2001;131 (10):2753-2760.
2. Farzaneh-Far R, Lin J, Epel ES, Harris WS, Blackburn EH, Whooley MA. Association of marine omega-3 fatty acid levels with telomeric aging in patients with coronary heart disease. JAMA, 2010 Jan 20;303(3):250-7.
Don’t Take Fish Oils Without Antioxidants!
Now that you know Omega-3 fatty acids can prolong one’s life span, you may feel like popping fish oils like they are amino acids! Hold on a second— there are some things that you need to understand about fish oils— for openers, they are susceptible to oxidation. Here is an experiment: take some fish oil gel tabs and poke a hole in them, and let the gel tabs sit on the counter as they are exposed to oxygen— you may notice they smell horrible. Fish oils are especially prone to spoilage. If you take fish oils, you should take them with antioxidants.
Researchers from Appalachian State University reported that taking fish oils without antioxidants before heavy exercise can cause more damage than good. The researchers had trained athletes perform a bout of heavy exercise. Test subjects were randomized for six weeks to receive fish oils (3,000 IUs vitamin A and 200 micrograms selenium), a fish oil and antioxidant combination, or a placebo. The researchers measured several markers of antioxidant markers in the blood. The concerning finding was that the fish oils group had a 53 percent greater value in prostaglandin F2, compared to the placebo group. F2-isoprostanes are bioactive compounds, which are considered to be the gold standard for determination of oxidative stress.
Interestingly, F2-isoprostanes are elevated in obesity and various other disease states associated with elevated oxidative stress or free radical damage. F2-isoprostanes were increased 53 percent by Omega-3 fatty acids alone, but only 32.8 percent when Omega-3 fatty acids were coupled with large doses of antioxidant vitamins (i.e. C, E, A, and selenium). This suggests that co-ingestion of antioxidants with Omega-3 fatty acids offered some protection from lipid oxidation.1
Another study reported that if you are taking fish oils, they should be consumed with vitamin E. Researchers looked at men who consumed a controlled diet for a total of 28 weeks. For the first 10 weeks, they received placebo oil capsules (15 grams/day), for the next 10 weeks they received fish oil capsules (15 grams/day), and for the last eight weeks they received the fish oil plus 200 mg of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol). The urinary excretion of peroxidation products (malondialdehyde) more than doubled when the fish oil capsules were introduced, but then dropped by a factor of four when vitamin E was added. The vitamin E concentration in the red blood cells dropped significantly when fish oil was ingested, but more than recovered with the vitamin E supplement.2
In conclusion, the negative effects of fish oil consumption can be overcome by taking fish oils with vitamin E. Don’t take fish oils without taking an antioxidant-rich supplement with it; you may be doing more harm than good.
1. McAnulty SR, Nieman DC, Fox-Rabinovich M, Duran V, McAnulty LS, Henson DA, Jin F, Landram MJ. Effect of n-3 Fatty Acids and Antioxidants on Oxidative Stress after Exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2010 Feb 13.
2. Nair, Padmanabhan P., et al. Dietary fish oil-induced changes in the distribution of alpha-tocopherol, retinol, and beta-carotene in plasma, red blood cells, and platelets: modulation by vitamin E. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 58, July 1993, pp. 98-102.